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アメリカのカジノホテルでウエイトレスとして勤務していました、飲食店インバウンド専門家の MIKI です。







つまり、レモンサワーは “Lemon Sour” ではなく、”Lemon, Shochu, and Soda” のように中に何が入っているかを具体的に書かないと、注文してもらえないのです。




先日、弊社に英語メニュー作成のご依頼をいただいたお店の既存の英語メニューを見たところ、レモンハイが “Lemon Hi” となっていました。




















ちなみに、海外のお客様に喜んで注文していただけるワードがあり、それは「ご当地ワイン(例:Local wine)」「当地域限定!搾りたてみかんジュース(例:Region-Limited! Freshly Squeezed Mandarin Orange Juice)」「当店オリジナルの日本酒(例:Our Original Sake」のように、「ここでしか買えない(飲めない)」が伝わるものです。






例えば、「富乃宝山」を “Tomino Houzan” とだけ記してあるメニューです。


しかも、他のお酒も同様に “Yamaneko” “Kujira” とだけですと、差別化もできないため、焼酎が飲みたくてもどれを注文していいのかが分からないのです。

日本酒、焼酎、梅酒、ウイスキー、クラフトビールなど、味、風味、後味などに特徴のあるドリンクは、”Dry(辛口)” “Clear(さっぱり)” “Easy-to-Drink(飲みやすい)” “Recommended for sake beginners (日本酒初心者におすすめ)” など簡単でいいので、3つくらい特徴を記載するようにしましょう。

  • Dry(辛口)
  • Clear(さっぱり)
  • Easy-to-Drink(飲みやすい)
  • Recommended for ●● beginners (●●初心者におすすめ)
  • Rich(濃厚)
  • Smooth(なめらか)
  • Fruity(フルーティー)
  • Aromatic(香り豊か)
  • Full-bodied(フルボディ)
  • Light(軽い)
  • Crisp(キレがある)
  • Complex(複雑)
  • Balanced(バランスが良い)
  • Spicy(スパイシー)
  • Earthy(土っぽい)
  • Floral(花のような香り)
  • Nutty(ナッツのような風味)
  • Honeyed(蜂蜜のような甘さ)
  • Refreshing(さわやか)
  • Velvety(ベルベットのような)
  • Bold(力強い)
  • Herbaceous(ハーブのような)
  • Mellow(まろやか)
  • Lingering finish(余韻が長い)








「ロック、ストレート、水割り、お湯割り、ソーダ割りの中から飲み方をお選びください(Please choose your preferred way to drink; On the rocks, straight, with water, with hot water, or with soda.)」





※ こちらをコピペしてご使用いただいても問題ありません。

※ こちらにないお酒を英語メニューに記載されたい場合、前述の通り”Dry(辛口)” “Clear(さっぱり)” “Easy-to-Drink(飲みやすい)” などの簡単な特徴のみで十分です。


芋焼酎(Japanese Distilled Spirit made from Sweet Potato)

「ロック、ストレート、水割り、お湯割り、ソーダ割りの中から飲み方をお選びください(Please choose your preferred way to drink; On the rocks, straight, with water, with hot water, or with soda.)」

銘柄(日本語) 銘柄(英語) 説明(日本語) 説明(英語)
村尾 Murao (Kagoshima) 芋の風味はしっかり感じるのに柔らかな飲み口で、甘さの中に柑橘系のスッキリとした味を堪能できます。 You can fully enjoy the rich flavor of the sweet potato, with a smooth, soft mouthfeel.
川越 Kawagoe (Miyazaki) 口当たりは非常にマイルドで、きれいな味わいと柔らかく上品な甘さが広がります。 The mouthfeel is exceptionally mild, with a clean taste and a gentle, elegant sweetness.
富乃宝山 Tomino Houzan (Kagoshima) 爽快な口当たり。はじめて芋焼酎を飲まれる方におすすめ With a refreshing mouthfeel, it’s perfect for those new to sweet potato shochu.
白天宝山 Hakuten Houzan (Kagoshima) 味わいは辛口でまろやか。キレの良さと芋の甘みが絶品 The flavor is dry yet mellow, with a sharp finish and an exquisite sweet potato sweetness.
吉兆宝山 Kiccho Houzan (Kagoshima) パンチの効いたコクと香りが堪能できる絶品です。 It’s an exquisite treat with a bold richness and aroma to savor.
伊佐美 Isami (Kagoshima) 甘みのあるまろやかな味わい。すっきりとした飲みやすさ Mellow flavor with a touch of sweetness and a clean, easy-to-drink finish.
佐藤黒 Satou Kuro (Kagoshima) 力強さとしっかりボディ。専門家焼酎ランキング1位 Bold and full-bodied. Ranked No. 1 in the expert shochu rankings.
山ねこ Yamaneko (Miyazaki) 手作り仕込み。2年以上貯蔵、熟成、独自の風味 Handcrafted. Aged and matured for over 2 years, offering an original flavor.
くじら Kujira (Kagoshima) 柔らかく華やかな香り。口当たりが特徴的 Soft and floral aroma with a distinctive mouthfeel.
喜左衛門 Kizaemon (Kagoshima) 木樽蒸留ならではの口当たりの柔らかさとほのかに香る上品な木の香り Soft mouthfeel with a subtle, refined oak aroma from barrel aging.
黒霧島 Kuro Kirishima (Miyazaki) トロッとしたあまみとキリッとした後切れが特長の芋焼酎 Sweet potato shochu with a rich, smooth sweetness and a crisp, clean finish.
金黒 Kinkuro (Kagoshima) 芋本来の香り、深いコクと冴えわたるキレ味が味わえる焼酎 Shochu with the natural aroma of sweet potato, deep richness, and a sharp, clean finish.


日本酒 (Sake)

「お冷か熱燗かをお選びください(Please choose either chilled or warm.)」

銘柄(日本語) 銘柄(英語) 説明(日本語) 説明(英語)
黄桜黒獅子 Kizakura Kurojishi (Kyoto) しっかりとうまみを感じながらすっきりとした味わい Rich umami flavor with a clean, refreshing taste.
大山 飛切 Ohyama Tobikiri (Yamagata) 調和のある軽快でソフトな辛口 A well-balanced, light, and smooth dry sake.
開華 Kaika (Tochigi) ふくよかで洗礼された味わい。揚げ物との相性バツグン Rich and refined flavor, pairs perfectly with deep-fried dish.
根来 純米吟醸 Negoro (Wakayama) 香りも味わいもとても爽やか。日本酒初心者におすすめ Very refreshing aroma and flavor, recommended for sake beginners.


ウイスキー (Whisky)

「ロック、ストレート、水割り、お湯割り、ソーダ割りの中から飲み方をお選びください(Please choose your preferred way to drink. On the rocks, straight, with water, with hot water, or with soda.)」

銘柄(日本語) 銘柄(英語) 説明(日本語) 説明(英語)
Kaku 滑らかでありながら豊かで洗練された特長。日本を代表するウイスキー Smooth but rich and sophisticated character. The most authentic Japanese whiskey.
知多 Chita 日本初のシングルグレーンウイスキー。 The First Single Grain Whisky in Japan.
竹鶴 Taketsuru なめらかで艶やかな口当たり、華やかでフルーティーな香りと甘くほろ苦い余韻 Smooth and well-balanced, elegant softness, deep complexity, rich mouthfeel, and smokiness.
余市 Yoichi ピーティー、スモーキー、フルーティーな香りの間の微妙なバランス Very refreshing aroma and flavor, recommended for sake beginners.


ワイン (Wine)

銘柄(日本語) 銘柄(英語) 説明(日本語) 説明(英語)
タクン レセルヴァ シャルドネ Takun Reserva Chardonnay (Chile) フルーティーで爽やかな味わいの辛口ワイン Dry wine with a fruity, refreshing flavor.
タクン・レセルヴァ・カベルネ・ソーヴィニヨン Takun Reserva Caberunet Sauvingnon (Chile) 果実味豊かでまろやかな味わいのミディアムボディ Medium-bodied wine with rich fruitiness and a smooth finish.
ミッシェル リンチ
オーガニック ルージュ
Michel Lynch Organic Rouge (France) EU認定オーガニックワイン。甘く豊潤、フレッシュで長く続く余韻。 EU-certified organic wine. Sweet and rich with a fresh, long-lasting finish.
ミッシェル リンチ
オーガニック ブラン
Michel Lynch Organic Blanc (France) EU認定オーガニックワイン。トロピカルでエレガントな長い余韻。 EU-certified organic wine. Tropical and elegant with a long, lingering finish.








  • 1回1時間の単発レッスン
  • 丸一日を使ってガツンと学ぶ単発レッスン
  • 毎週LINEに「今週の接客英会話」が届いて、貴社従業員が各々でコツコツ学ぶ自主勉スタイル
  • 複数人が毎回集まって継続的に行うグループレッスン



【7/8(月)】インバウンド接客セミナー at 山口





● 詳細

  • 日程:2024年7月8日(月)
  • 時間:14時~16時
  • 場所:山口県総合保健会館(山口県健康づくりセンター) 山口県山口市吉敷下東3丁目1-1
  • セミナータイトル:英語が話せなくても大丈夫!インバウンド接客セミナー
  • 主催:日本政策金融公庫山口支店
  • 共催:(公財)山口県生活衛生営業指導センター、(一社)山口県生活衛生同業組合連合会、山口商工会議所
  • 後援:山口市
  • お申込み:









こんにちは、 (株)華ひらくの内木美樹です。私は米国のカジノホテルでウエイトレスとして勤務していた経験をいかし、飲食店インバウンド専門家として全国でセミナーを行っております。また、海外の方の生の声を集める為に、これまで1,700人以上の訪日外国人に日本の飲食店に関する街頭調査を実施してきました。手前味噌ですが、飲食店に関する外国人のこれだけの声を拾っている企業は日本で弊社のみです。















  • ほぼ毎食デザートは食べる。
  • 食後には小さいデザートとコーヒーを飲みたい。
  • メキシコでは夜に甘いものを食べるから。
  • 食事の後はデザートで口をリフレッシュしたい。塩味を残したくない。
  • 甘いものではなく、フルーツだけ食べる


  • 誕生日とか特別な時は食べる。
  • 目的が明確な食事会であれば食べる。
  • 絶対重要というわけではないが、あれば食べる。
  • 飲食店による。ユニークだったり、おいしそうなものがあれば頼んでみたいと思う。


  • 食事を楽しみたいから。
  • 健康のために食べないようにしている。
  • コーヒーやフルーツだけ。甘いものはいらない。
  • 食事でお腹が満たされるから。







  1. 白玉ぜんざい (Sweet red beans and rice cake)
  2. あんみつ (Agar jelly with sweet red beans and fruits)
  3. 抹茶アイスクリーム (Matcha ice cream)
  4. 抹茶プリン (Matcha pudding)





  • (食べたい派)あづきも餅も好きだから。
  • (食べたい派)新しい物に挑戦したいから。
  • (イマイチ派)豆はスープやサラダに入っているものだから、甘い豆なんてありえない。
  • (イマイチ派)デザートというよりも食事に見える。


  • (食べたい派)フルーツがのってるから。
  • (食べたい派)友達とシェアするのによさそう。
  • (イマイチ派)どんな味かよくわからない。


  • (食べたい派)デザートは食べないけど、アイスは別。
  • (食べたい派)抹茶が大好き。
  • (食べたい派)母国にも抹茶アイスはあるけれど、本場のを食べてみたい。
  • (食べたい派)どういう味かを知っているから。
  • (食べたい派)母国にはないし、あったとしても高い。


  • (食べたい派)抹茶が大好き。
  • (食べたい派)知ってるから頼みやすい。
  • (食べたい派)クリーミーでデザート感がある。






1. デザートに多様性と限定感を

世界の健康ブームの影響もあり、デザート食べない派が増えてきている印象です。しかしその中でも、「フルーツなら頼みたい」「(アイスなど)サッパリしたものが食べたい」「クリーミーなデザートが欲しい」など、訪日外国人と一口に言っても、欲するデザートも多種多様です。「日本でしか食べられないアイス」「地元で採れた新鮮な果物」のような限定感を出せれば、多少お値段が高くても訪日外国人は喜んで注文します。(そもそも円安なので、日本は何を食べても安いと感じている人も多いです。)ぜひ、「Authentic Matcha Ice Cream(本場の抹茶アイス)」や「Assorted Local’s Fresh Fruits(地元の新鮮フルーツ盛り合わせ)」のような希少価値とともにデザートを提供してみてください。

2. コーヒー(お茶)も侮るなかれ



飲食店のインバウンド準備不足が売上低迷を招く 〜訪日外国人101人への街頭聞き取り調査で判明〜

こんにちは、 (株)華ひらくの内木美樹です。私は米国のカジノホテルでウエイトレスとして勤務していた経験をいかし、飲食店インバウンド専門家として全国でセミナーを行っております。また、海外の方の生の声を集める為に、これまで1,700人以上の訪日外国人に日本の飲食店に関する街頭調査を実施してきました。手前味噌ですが、飲食店に関する外国人のこれだけの声を拾っている企業は日本で弊社のみです。


世界では、私たち日本人が考えるよりも遥かに多くの方が、宗教、ベジタリアン、グルテンフリー、食物アレルギーなどの理由で何らかの食べられない食材を持っています。例えば、2023年の時点でイスラム教徒の人口は20億以上と言われております。つまり、世界の人口の4人に1人が、豚や酒を口にしないことになります[1] 。また、ベジタリアンの人口はインドの31%以上を筆頭に、メキシコ19%、ブラジル14%、台湾14%、スイス13%と、上位9か国で国民の1割を超えています[2]。









※ 「フレンドリ-」とは、完璧ではないものの、柔軟に対応するという意味合い。











アメリカのカジノホテルでウエイトレスとして勤務していました、飲食店専門の接客英語講師&飲食店インバウンド専門家の MIKI です。
































VF = Vegetarian Friendly
MF = Musulim Friendly





ではまとめに入ります!売上が上がる最強英語メニューに必要なのは、①写真 ②食材 ③マークです。









ちなみに、「どちらがよろしいですか?」は “Which one would you like?” という英語ではなく、日本語のまま聞くことをおすすめします。







アメリカのカジノホテルでウエイトレスとして勤務していました、飲食店専門の接客英語講師&飲食店インバウンド専門家の MIKI です。






しかし、海外のお客様、特に欧米のお客様は、注文したい物が決まっても店員を「すみませーん!(Excuse me!!)」と呼びません。もっと言うと、呼べません。








ですので、私は常に自分の担当テーブルに近くにいて、例えば1番テーブルの方がそろそろご注文お決まりだなと思ったら、お客様から呼ばれる前に “Are you ready to order” と聞くのがホールスタッフとしての仕事なのです。



仮に日本みたいに “Excuse me!!” と呼ぶというのは、他のお客様の前で「あなた、自分の仕事全然できていないよ」とクレームを言っているのと同じになり、店員に対して失礼なので、マナー違反とされています。




























メディア情報 第38弾





4 Tips You Should Know about Japanese BBQ; Yakiniku

Japanese can’t stop loving Yakiniku

Hi, my name is Miki. I specialize in Japanese restaurant inbound.

On a glorious day when cherry blossoms were blooming beautifully, we went to Ueno. Ueno is one of the cities in Tokyo and famous for cherry blossoms, zoo, art museum, and yakiniku. The reason we came here is not for cherry blossoms, but yakiniku, of course. The recognition and popularity of yakiniku or should I say “Japanese BBQ” is increasing all over the world, but still, some mysteries and misunderstandings are left. For instance, “Yakiniku is Korean food, right?” and “Is this the place where we eat raw meat?” So, I want to clear up the mysteries and misunderstandings, and take you to the yakiniku world. Come on! Follow me!


1. Is Yakiniku Korean Food?

Some of you might wonder “Why should I eat Korean food when I came all the way to Japan?” But, yakiniku is not Korean food. It’s Japanese cuisine. It’s originally from Korea, but it came to Japan and Japanese original yakiniku was established. So, it’s a bit different from Korean BBQ.

For example, how to grill. In case of Korean BBQ, we put lots of big meat on the grill and cut with scissors into small pieces when we eat. But in case of yakiniku or Japanese BBQ, thin sliced meat is served, and we grill them one by one.

Also, side dishes like kimchi and lettuce are already included in the meat’s price at Korean BBQ and they are all-you-can-eat, but in Japan, they are not included. So you have to order salad and kimchi separately. Otherwise, they won’t be served.

If we think about it, yakiniku sounds more expensive than Korean BBQ. But in Japan, we not only have Kobe Beef but also many other authentic “Wagyu” like Matsuzaka Beef, Yamagata Beef and Hida Beef which you can’t experience outside of Japan, so please enjoy the differences between Korean BBQ and Japanese yakiniku.


2. Is this the place where we eat raw meat?

Generally speaking, all the pictures on a menu or sign are the dishes after cooking, right? But at yakiniku restaurants, they use raw meat’s pictures.

I’ve heard an episode that an American guy, who is a meat lover, came to Japan with his friend and saw a yakiniku’s sign. She wanted to eat there, but he strongly refused saying “This is a place we eat raw meat, right? I don’t wanna eat raw meat.” I’m sure there are some of you who must be misunderstands like him.

Don’t worry! We grill meat at yakiniku restaurants. In the first place, “yakiniku”‘s “yaki” means “to grill”. And “niku” means “meat”. They sometimes have the meat which we don’t have to grill, and eat it as raw, but basically we grill all the meat. Trust me!


3. Types of Meat

We have many types of meat at yakiniku restaurants, like beef, chicken, pork, and even horse, and you can pick what part of which meat you want to eat. You can enjoy a variety of taste and texture from one cow such as rib and tongue, so this is the great thing about yakiniku.

But somehow, usually the yakiniku restaurants’ menu only have the name of meat like rib and sirloin, and not many of them put what part of meat it is, texture, and other details like lean or marbled. So, let me introduce the types of beef that’s popular by the Japanese, and their details.


1. Kalbi (In Japanese, we call it “karubi”)

Kalbi is beef belly. It’s very tender because it’s thinly sliced, and marbled. I’m sure Kalbi is the most familiar and popular for the Japanese.


2. Outside skirt beef (In Japanese, we call it “harami”)

It’s thick and you can enjoy the beef’s texture very much. Outside skirt beef is not marbled, so I recommend it if you are lean lovers.


3. Beef chuck (In Japanese, we call it “rose”)

It’s tender and marbled but not as much as Kalbi. Its texture is very enjoyable, too.


4. Beef belly (In Japanese, we call it “kainomi”)

It’s located at beef’s belly but very close to filet, so it has perfect balance between lean and marbled. We can obtain this beef belly or “kainomi” only a small amount from one cow, so it’s a very valuable part.


5. Beef tongue (In Japanese, we call it “tan”)

Since you can enjoy its original chewy texture, beef tongue is as popular as kalbi in Japan. We often eat it with lemon juice.


6. Beef large intestine (In Japanese, we call it “shimacho”)

The biggest character is its chewiness. No matter how much you chew, you can’t chew through it.


7. Cow’s stomach

A cow has 4 stomach, and depending on which stomach, you can enjoy a variety of texture.


Large intestine and stomach are called “hormone” in Japan. Why? I have no idea. By the way, we have so many “hormone” fans in Japan, so we also have many “hormone” specialized restaurants. But to be honest, I have never met anybody who is from a “hormone” non-eating country, and loved these guts. So if you are brave and have never eaten “hormone” yet, I strongly recommend you to try it in Japan.



4. Types of Sauce(Tare)

All yakiniku restaurants have yakiniku specialized sauce calld “tare”, but the types and tastes of tare all varies with each restaurant. Not only “tare” but we can eat the meat with lemon juice and salt, too. The problem is, which seasoning goes well with which meat, right? Honestly, I don’t know! I guess there is no correct answer, so it’s all personal preferences.

By the way, I usually go with “tare” except for when I eat beef tongue and hormone. I eat beef toung with lemon juice, and hormone is seasoned already so I dig in as it is. But when I get tired of “tare”, I go with salt and change the flavor.

Also, not only hormone but other meat may be seasoned already. But I’m not sure which meat is seasoned or not. It all depends on each restaurant. So when you need help, ask the employee. If you want to say “which sauce should I eat with this meat?”, you can say “Dono tare ga osusume?” in Japanese. “Dono” means “which”, and “tare” means sauce, and “osusume” is “to recommend”. So, point to the meat and say “Dono tare ga osusume?”, then they will tell you the best match. The employees may not be able to speak English fluently, but I’m sure they will tell you as much as they can.


So, do you wanna try yakiniku now? Thanks to Kobe Bryant, Kobe beef is well-known worldwide now, but in Japan, we have other quality beef which you can never forget, once tried. Korean BBQ is amazing of course and I love it, but I want you meat lovers to come to Japan and try Japanese yakiniku as well, and have “Wow!” experience.


One of the Most Unknown Japanese Dishes; Monja-yaki

Tokyo’s local food Monja-yaki


Hi, my name is Miki. I specialized in Japanese restaurant inbound.

This is quite sudden, but what Japanese food do you know? Sushi and ramen are very popular all over the world, so many of you not just know what they are, but have eaten them already. Also, not only sushi or ramen, but the number of various types of specialized Japanese restaurants such as udon, soba, yakiniku, shabushabu, and tempura are increasing in your country, aren’t they? But, what I wanna introduce you today is “Monja-yaki”. Monja-yaki is not well known in other counrties, so many of you may have not even seen or heard of it, but it is one of the most signature Japanese dishes. It may not look appetizing, but is very healthy and amazing! If you want to know a popular Japanese local dish, which is known to those in the know, this video is worth seeing.


1. What is “Monja-yaki”?

Monja-yaki is beloved by local people and is originally from Tokyo. Especially Tsukishima, a town in Tokyo, is well-known as “Monja-yaki town”, and there are densely packed Monja-yaki specialized restaurants. We have many types of Monja-yaki, and each restaurant has its own recipe. For instance, hamburger doesn’t have only one kind, instead, there are cheese burger, avocado burger, and double burger too, right? Same for Monja-yaki, we have spicy cod roe flavor, kimchi flavor, curry flavor, and even some more. But, like all hamburgers must have buns, all Monja-yaki have a common basic ingredient. Which is cabbage. Each Monja-yaki has lots of cabbage in it. The cabbage and each house’s original stock which is mixed with flour are the base of Monja-yaki, and they add spicy cod roe, kimchi, curry, and cheese as toppings. And just grill them all together, then, Monja-yaki is ready. By the way, when you look at the menu, they usually only write the toppings on it. But like I said, all Monja-yaki include cabbage and flour, so don’t forget about it. Alright. So let’s see how to cook Monja-yaki next.


2. How to cook Monja-yaki

When you go into a Monja-yaki specialized restaurant, they always have a griddle on each table. And we use the griddle to cook Monja-yaki. So who cook Monja? It can be you, or an employee. We mainly have 2 types of Monja-yaki restaurants; the one you have to cook by yourself, and the one an employee cooks for you. As far as I know, most Monja restaurants are the second one, so they will cook for you without you asking, or they will ask you “May I cook it for you?” But even if you enter the self-cooking one, they would be happy to do it if you ask “Could you cook it?” In that case, you can say “Tsukutte kudasai” in Japanese. “Tsukutte” means “to cook”, and “kudasai” means “please”. But I’m sure some of you want try it by yourself since you came all the way to Japan, so let me explain how to cook. The recipie varies with each restaurant, but basically it will be like this.


How to cook the most popular Monja-yaki; spicy cod roe and cheese Monja

  1. First, put some oil on the griddle and spread thoroughly on it.
  2. Second of all, remove the spicy cod roe and cheese onto a small plate, and grill and chop only the cabbage. Please be careful not to pour the stock onto the griddle yet.
  3. Then, make a doughnut shape with the cabbage.
  4. And pour the stock into the doughnut hole.
  5. Next, add the spicy cod roe into the stock.
  6. Loosen up the spicy cod roe and stir with the broth.
  7. When they are mixed enough, break the doughnut shape and mix with the cabbage.
  8. Finally, sprinkle the cheese all over the top.
  9. Wait until the cheese melts, and it’s ready!

By the way, if you wanna make it dangerously cheesey, you can order extra cheese and other toppings, too!


3. How to eat Monja-yaki

We always have big and small spatulas at Monja restaurants. The big spatulas are used when we cook Monja, and small spatulas are used when we eat Monja. So, we don’t eat Monja with spoons or chopsticks, but with the spatula. How to dig in is very simple. When it’s ready to eat, use the small spatula and take Monja from outside, and dig in. By the way, when you are a bit tired of Monja, try some side dishes and refresh your mouth.


How did you enjoy our Monja-yaki tour? Monja is a perfect match with beer, reasonable, and healthy. Also, this local dish is not well-known in other countries yet, so you can brag like “Oh, you guys don’t know Monja-yaki yet? Please give it a try when you have a chance to come to Japan.


10 Tips You Should Know about Conveyor Belt Sushi Restaurants

10 Tips You Should Know about
Conveyor Belt Sushi Restaurants


Hi, my name is Miki. I’m an expert of Japanese restaurant inbound. I have been interviewing over 1,600 foreign visitors to Japan and listening to their voices including problems or confusions they have faced at Japanese restaurants. In the interviews, I sometimes received their opinions that “I visited a restaurant all the way from my country, but I could not enjoy the place very much.” due to cultural or language differences. For example, conveyor-belt sushi restaurant. For any first-time visitor, there are a lot of unknown things such as how to make green tea, how to order, or what does “Fatty” mean in “Fatty tuna”?. So, this video shows you how to enjoy conveyor-belt sushi in Japanese style.


1. How to enter a restaurant (until you take a seat)

  1. An employee asks you about the number of people and then takes you to your seat.
  2. If you input the number of people in a machine, it outputs a slip of paper specifying your number. When your number is displayed, you are taken to your seat.

Anyway, not taking a seat by yourself but waiting until you are guided by an employee is a basic manner. Please note that you should not take a seat on your own without permission even if a table is available.


2. How to make green tea

Generally speaking, at Japanese restaurants, a glass of water is served to each of you without your ordering it, but, as far as I know, no water is served at any conveyor-belt sushi restaurant. Instead, there are water machines somewhere in the house, and on each table, you will find green powder and a tap like this. Cups for green tea are over your head or on your table. How to make green tea is very simple. You have only to put a spoon of green powder in your cup, and then pour hot water into it. This green tea is free of charge and you can have free refills as you like. If you drink it up, please make another cup of tea by yourself. By the way, please be careful not to burn yourself as this hot water is very hot.


3. How to pick up sushi

All you have to do is pick up any sushi moving around without ordering it because it is conveyor-belt sushi. However, in picking it up, you have to follow 2 rules.

① Timing

Picking up sushi coming to other person’s seat is a breach of manners. Please be sure to pick it up at the time when it comes to your seat.


② Non-returnable

Once you pick up any sushi, you have to take responsibility for it, and eat it as manner dictates.  Even if you didn’t touch the sushi, you must not return it onto the lane.


4. How to order sushi

Sushi moving around is not always sushi you wish to eat. So, you can order any sushi you want, as needed. How to order sushi varies from restaurant to restaurant, but in general, there are 3 methods as follows.

① Order by paper

There is an order form on your table or counter. You put the number of sushi you wish to eat next to the name of fish, and then hand it over to a chef behind the counter.


② Order by tablet

A tablet like this is on your table. In most cases, you can select any available language you wish to use, so please place an order after changing the language settings.


③ Order orally

There are many sushi restaurants in Tokyo where you can place an order in English such as “scallops” or “amberjack”. If the chef cannot understand the English name of fish you said, just try to ask any Japanese visitor next to you for help. That person may not speak English fluently, but will surely strive to help you. If you want to place an order in Japanese since you came all the way to Japan, just try to say “Kudasai”. “Kudasai” means “Please”. Using this word makes your Japanese expressions very natural and polite. The term “Kudasai” comes after a product name. For example, “Scallops kudasai” or “Amberjack kudasai”.

For your information, as for nigirizushi or hand-shaped sushi, there are 2 pieces on a dish. So, if you order “2 salmon”, 4 pieces will be served, so please be careful!


5. Wasabi (Japanese horseradish)

Basically, sushi served at conveyor-belt restaurants has no wasabi or Japanese horseradish. That is because they are the places also for small children to visit together with their parents. Therefore, if you wish to eat wasabi, you put it on sushi by yourself. At some restaurants, a bag of wasabi is on the table or on the lane, while at other restaurants, you have to say “Wasabi please” to the chef.


6. What is “Fatty”?

In major cities like Tokyo, Osaka and Kyoto, English menus are available at many restaurants. When you look at the menus, you may often see the term “fatty”. For instance, “Fatty tuna” or “Fatty salmon”. “Fatty” may not be an appetizing word for many people. It means “Marbled”. That is to say, “Marbled tuna” or “Marbled salmon”. Replacing “Fatty” with “Marbled” sounds more tasty, doesn’t it? At a lot of sushi restaurants, the term “Fatty” is used, so if you see “Fatty”, please automatically convert it into “Marbled”.


7. How to eat sushi

Put a little bit of soy sauce on the ingredient, not on rice. Eat wasabi by putting it on the ingredient, not by dipping it in soy sauce. Strictly speaking, there are various ways of eating sushi such as eating it by hand, but conveyor-belt sushi restaurants are casual places. So, you can eat sushi as you like. Because eating deliciously is more enjoyable than eating correctly, isn’t it? By the way, when you make payment, an employee counts the number of dishes you have eaten to calculate the payment amount. So, please be sure not to return any empty dish onto the lane. However, at Kura Sushi, each table has a hole like this to clear empty dishes away. You can put the dishes into the hole before making payment.


8. Gari (Pickled ginger)

Pickled ginger is called “Gari” in Japanese. Gari is served to freshen your mouth. You can freshen your mouth with gari, to prevent any flavor of fish you have just eaten, from remaining in your mouth when you eat another fish. Gari is on your table. Please eat it by putting as much as you want on your dish. I always put a lot of gari on a dish with sushi and eat it little by little, while some people eat it by putting it on a soy sauce dish. Gari is accompanied by tongs without exception. Please be sure not to use your chopsticks, but use tongs instead to pick up gari for sanitary reasons.


9. Prices

Some restaurants set the same price for all dishes, while other restaurants set different prices for dishes based on their colors. The prices for dishes are always displayed somewhere in the restaurant. A lot of restaurants do not use Arabic numerals but Chinese numerals, which may be difficult to read for foreign visitors. In such case, Google Translation is very helpful for you.


10. Payment method

In most cases, you should make payment not at your table but at the cashier. So, you have to conduct the following procedures to have the check.

  1. Tap a “Payment” button on your tablet.
  2. Call an employee.

In either case, an employee comes to your table to count the number of dishes you have eaten and calculate the payment amount. After the calculation, the employee hands a paper or tag over to you. Then, please go to the cashier for your payment. This payment method is the same as other kinds of restaurants.


How did you enjoy conveyor-belt sushi in Japan? You may be puzzled because ordering system varies by restaurant, but you can experience such puzzlement only if you visit a different country, right? So, I recommend you to enjoy the conveyor-belt sushi in Japan including your puzzlement or confusion. Don’t worry! You won’t have any problem as long as you obey manners or rules at a minimum, even if you do something the wrong way. I would be very happy if you could really enjoy your travel in Japan and think “I will absolutely come back to Japan!”.


15 Tips you Should Know about JAPANESE RESTAURANTS Part. 2

15 Tips you Should Know about JAPANESE RESTAURANTS Part. 2


If you haven’t checked the 1st part yet, please read 15 Tips you Should Know about JAPANESE RESTAURANTS Part. 1 first, and come back to this article.


9. We have “Otoushi”, which is particular to Japanese culture.

In Japanese izakayas and bars, there is a charge named “Otoushi”. When you sit at a table and order a drink, a small vegetable or seafood appetizer will be served at the same time with your drink. You may be surprised because you didn’t order it, but this is what “Otoushi” is.


Solution 1: Take it as a table charge

When you go to bars in your country, some of them charge you a table charge or service fee, right? Otoushi is a Japanese table charge. It is a small appetizer and usually costs 200 to 600 yen, which is 2 to 6USD, so it’s much more reasonable than a table charge. The content of otoushi varies depending on the house and the day. So why don’t you enjoy each izakaya’s original one?


Solution 2: You might be able to refuse it

I have never done it, but if you say “I don’t want otoushi”, then they won’t serve and charge you otoushi fee. In that case, you can simply say “No otoushi please.” If you have a certain ingredient that you can’t eat, I recommend you to tell them before they serve it to you.


10. Your check will be left on the table while you are eating

This is the biggest surprise for people from other countries. In Japan, when food servers have served all the dishes you ordered, they ask you “Anything else?” and you say “No”, then they put your check on the table. Every time you have an additional order, the number of check will increase. People who don’t know this culture wonder and misunderstand “We are still eating but they put the check already. They want us to leave?” but that’s totally wrong.


Solution: This is Japanese culture

The reason they do this is probably so that you don’t have to call them when you want to pay. For the restaurant, additional order is always welcomed. So when it happens, please take it positively as a unique experience.


11. You have to call a food server each time vol. 2

I used to work as a waitress at a casino hotel in Nevada, the United States. What I have learned there is, when my guests have 2 to 3 bites of their main dishes, I’m supposed to go to their table and ask “Is everything OK?” to check the taste and if they have got everything. Also, asking them “Would you like another drink?” before their glasses become empty is one of the conditions of being a good food server. However in Japan, we don’t have that culture.


Solution: call out “Sumimasen!”

When you want to order more, when you want to see a menu, when you haven’t got your dish yet, or anytime, you can call out “Sumimasen!” If you want to know their recommendations, ask them “Osusumewa?” “O SU SU ME WA?” To enjoy Japanese restaurant as much as possible, you should make the first step. That’s what I usually do when I go to a restaurant in Japan.


12. Your friend is still eating, but they will take away your empty plate

This is also one of the most shocking things for people from other countries. In Western cultures, a food server won’t clear your empty plate as long as someone in your company is still eating. However in Japan, they do. Because Japanese traditional cuisine is like French, a dish comes one by one. So they clear a plate each time guests have finished. Also, Japanese tables are not big, so they take away your unnecessary plates to provide you a wider space. So, even if your friend is still eating, they will ask you “May I clear your plate?” and take your empty plate away.


Solution: This is Japanese culture

It doesn’t mean they want you to leave. This is normal for us. So, please take it like “I have more space now”. If necessary, it’s a good timing to order another drink or dessert.


13. Where to pay depends on the house

In Western countries, you usually pay at your table except for fast food, but in Japan, it all depends on the house. Some restaurants have cashiers but some don’t. I’m Japanese but even I often get confused.


Solution: Ask them

I usually ask them “Excuse me, where should I pay?” So, you can ask them as well. Hold your check and ask “Dokode?” “DO KO DE?”, which means “Where?”, then they will tell you where to pay.


14. Many restaurants don’t accept credit cards

They have begun to accept credit cards little by little, but still, we can’t use them at many restaurants especially in the countryside. Some of them set a minimum fee of usage for credit cards like “We have a 5,000 yen minimum for credit cards.” Even for a Japanese like me, I get worried if I can’t use my credit card.


Solution 1: Ask them before they take you to a table

Some restaurants have VISA or Master card stickers at the entrance, but many of them don’t, even if they accept them. So, making sure when you enter the house is best. Show them your credit card and ask “VISA OK?” or “American Express OK?” It may sound repetitive, but please speak slowly and simply.


Solution 2: Tell the truth and run to ATM

You were so ready to pay by credit card but it was cash only. What was worse, you didn’t have enough cash in your wallet. I hope it never happens but if it does, tell them the truth honestly. If you say “ATM, and come back, OK?” I’m sure they’ll say “OK”. Then, find the closest International ATM. You can withdraw with your foreign card at most of Japanese major convenience stores, Seven Eleven, Family Mart, and Lawson.


15. Tip is unnecessary

We don’t have tip culture in Japan. Not only in restaurants, but even in taxis or hotels, you don’t have to pay it. We have many delicious and reasonable restaurants. Especially for lunch, you can find tons of lunch sets including a drink or dessert within 1,000yen, which is about 10USD. And no tip. Great deal! This is a suggestion from me. Because you don’t have to pay tips, why don’t you ask them “Osusumewa?”, which means “What do you recommend?” and try their best dish or drink. You invested a lot of money and came to Japan, so I really want you to enjoy something you can’t ever have in your own country. And, if the dish or drink was amazing, please give them a thumb up and tell them “Delicious!” They are very shy, but if you like what they recommended, they would be very happy and confident.


I have interviewed more than 1,600 people who have been to Japan about Japanese restaurants’ hospitality, but most of them told me “Their service was amazing”. “It is true that they didn’t speak good English, but they made an effort and tried to speak broken English with lots of gestures. That was very impressive.” When I heard that, I was very proud of being Japanese.

This is your first time visiting Japan. You may have some difficulties because language and culture are not the same at all, but if you say “I need your help”, someone would definitely help you. We are very shy, so we are not good at making the first step, but if you come, we would be happy to support you. So please do not hesitate to ask for help, and enjoy Japan. And, please come back. I really hope you have a wonderful experience in Japan.

Thank you for watching. See you in the next video.
