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月: 2016年11月

高級店用接客英会話 ~お会計~



Here is your check.


Your total is 25,000 yen.


Here is your change and receipt.


I’m very sorry, but we accept cash only.


I’m very sorry, but we accept VISA and MASTER card only.


Could you sign here, please?


Could you enter your PIN, please?


Here is your card and copy.


Thank you for dining with us.


We hope to see you again soon.




高級店用接客英会話 ~お料理の提供~



Thank you for waiting. Here is a salad with Italian dressing and a medium rare steak.


Please eat with ●●.

*●●に入るのがお醤油なら “Please eat with soy sauce.”、お塩なら”Please eat with salt.”となります。


Would you like more ●●?

*おかわりなので、現在飲まれているお飲み物が●●には入ります。お水なら” Would you like more water?” ビールのおかわりなら” Would you like more beer?”。


Yes, please. (はい、お願いします)

Can I have a glass of white wine? (白ワインをグラスでいただけますか?)

I’m good. Thank you. (ありがとうございます。でも結構です。)


Would you like another drink?


Yes, can I have a red wine, please? (赤ワインをお願いします)

I will have the same one, please. (同じものをお願いします)

No, I’m OK. (いいえ、まだいいです)

Could I see a drink menu? (ドリンクメニューをいただけますか?)


Please enjoy your meal.


Excuse me. May I clear your plates?


Yes, please. (はい、お願いします)

I’m still working on it. (まだ食べています)


Would you like to see a dessert menu?


Yes, please. / Of course. / Sure. (お願いします)

No, I’m fine. Thank you. (いいえ、結構です)

I’m stuffed. (お腹いっぱいです)

I would love to, but there is no more room. (そうしたいのはやまやまですが、お腹がいっぱいです)


It’s last order for the food menu. Would you like to order anything else?


We are OK. (結構です)

We are fine. (結構です)

Could we get more bread? (パンのおかわりいただけますか?)



高級店用接客英会話 ~ご注文~



May I take your order?


I will have a beer. (ビールをお願いします)

May I have a champagne? (シャンパンいただけますか?)

Water will be fine. (お水で結構です)

I would like a shochu.(焼酎をお願いします)


Certainly. / Of course.

*” Certainly”はとても品のある言い方ですので、ファストフード店やカジュアルなお店では殆ど使いません。


How would you like your ●●?

*●●には飲み物名が入ります。例えば、” How would you like your umeshu?” (梅酒の飲み方はいかがされますか?)等。


On the rocks, please.(ロックでお願いします)

With water, please.(水割りでお願いします)

Straight, please.(ストレートでお願いします)

With hot water, please. (お湯割りでお願いします)

What are my choices? (選択肢は何がありますか?)

→On the rocks, with water, straight, or with hot water.(ロック、水割り、ストレート、お湯割りです)


Which ●● would you like?

*●●には選ぶものが入ります。ドレッシングであれば” Which dressing would you like?”、ソースであれば” Which sauce would you like?” です。


Italian, please.(イタリアンドレッシングをお願いします)

I will take Italian. (イタリアンドレッシングをお願いします)

What are my choices? (選択肢は何がありますか?)

→Italian, French, or Japanese dressing. (イタリアンかフレンチか和風ドレッシングです)


The pot-dish is sold as 2 servings. How many servings would you like?


2, please.(2人前でお願いします)


How would you like your steak cooked?


Medium, please.(ミディアムでお願いします)

Well done, please.(ウェルダンでお願いします)


After the meal, would you like a coffee or a tea?


A hot coffee with milk, please. (ホットコーヒーにミルクをつけてください)

I will have an iced tea with no sugar or milk, please. (ストレートのアイスティーをお願いします)

May I have an iced coffee without ice? (氷なしのアイスコーヒーをいただけますか?)


Let me repeat your order.  That will be a salad with Italian dressing, a medium rare steak, and a hot coffee after the meal.


May I get anything else?


No, that’s it. (はい、以上で。)



高級店用接客英会話 ~お席へご案内~



Mr. Tom, thank you for waiting. Your table is ready.

*通常ファーストネームに Mr や Mrs はつけませんが、お客様のラストネームが分からない時は、Mr. Tom のようにお呼びしても問題ありません。


Would you like to leave your coat here?


Yes, thank you. (お願いします)

No, I will take it with me. (預けなくて大丈夫です)


Could you follow me, please?


Here is your table.


Here is our menu.

*お食事メニューは” Here is our food menu.” ドリンクメニューは” Here is our drink menu.” ワインリストは” Here is our wine list.”


Is there anything you are not able to eat?


Yes, I have a nut allergy. / I’m allergic to nuts.(ナッツアレルギーです)

I can’t eat nuts. (ナッツが食べられません)

No, I don’t have any food allergies. (いいえ、ありません)



高級店用接客英会話 ~お出迎え~



Welcome to ●●●.

*●●●にはお店の名前が入ります。店名が「華ひらく」であれば、”Welcome to Hanahiraku.”になります。


Will you be dining alone?



No, there is one more coming. (いいえ、あともう1名来ます)

No, we are a party of 3. (いいえ、3名です)


Are you a party of ●?

*●には2以上の数字が入ります。「2名ですか?」と聞きたければ ”Are you a party of 2?” となり、「4名ですか?」と聞きたければ ”Are you a party of 4?” となります。



No, there is one more coming. (いいえ、あともう1名来ます)

No, we are a party of 3. (いいえ、3名です)


How many are in your party?





Have you got a reservation?


Yes, it’s under Tom.(はい、Tomで予約しています)

Yes, I have a reservation in the name of Tom. (はい、Tomで予約しています)



Would you like smoking or non-smoking?


Smoking, please.(喫煙席をお願いします)

Non-smoking, please.(禁煙席をお願いします)


Sorry, it will be a few more minutes.  We are now getting your table ready.


Sure. / No problem. / OK. (はい、わかりました)

For how long? (どれくらい待ちますか?)

→For about 10 to 15 minutes. (約10~15分です)

→There are 3 groups waiting in front of you. (お客様の前に3組いらっしゃいます)


Sorry, there are no available tables at the moment. Would you mind waiting about ten minutes?


Sure. / No problem. / OK. (はい、わかりました)

We will pass this time. (今回は遠慮します)


Please write down your name here, and wait until we call your name.


Sure. / No problem. / OK. (はい、わかりました)


カジュアル店用接客英会話 ~お会計~



Here is your check.


Your total is 5,500 yen.


Here is your change and receipt.


I’m very sorry, but we accept cash only.


I’m very sorry, but we accept VISA and MASTER card only.


Could you sign here, please?


Could you enter your PIN, please?


Here is your card and copy.


Thank you for dining with us.



カジュアル店用接客英会話 ~お料理をご提供~



Thank you for waiting. Here is an assortment of sashimi and sukiyaki for 2.


Please eat with a fresh egg.

*卵以外でも、お醤油なら “Please eat with soy sauce.”、お塩なら”Please eat with salt.”となります。


May I cook it for you?


Would you like more ●●?

*おかわりなので、現在飲まれているお飲み物が●●には入ります。お水なら” Would you like more water?” ビールのおかわりなら” Would you like more beer?”。


Yes, please. (はい、お願いします)

Can I have a umeshu? (梅酒いただけますか?)

I’m good. Thank you. (ありがとうございます。でも結構です。)


Would you like another drink?


Yes, can I have a red wine, please? (赤ワインをお願いします)

I will have the same one, please. (同じものをお願いします)

No, I’m OK. (いいえ、まだいいです)

Could I see a drink menu? (ドリンクメニューをいただけますか?)


Please enjoy!


Excuse me. May I clear your plates?


Yes, please. (はい、お願いします)

I’m still working on it. (まだ食べています)


Would you like to see a dessert menu?


Yes, please. / Of course. / Sure. (お願いします)

No, I’m fine. Thanks. (いいえ、結構です)

I’m stuffed. (お腹いっぱいです)

I would love to, but there is no more room. (そうしたいのはやまやまですが、お腹がいっぱいです)


It’s last order for the food menu. Would you like to order anything else?


We are OK. (いいえ、結構です)

We are fine. (いいえ、結構です)

Can we get french fries? (フライドポテトいただけますか?)


カジュアル店用接客英会話 ~ご注文~



May I take your order?


I will have a beer. (ビールをお願いします)

Can I have a champagne? (シャンパンいただけますか?)

Water will be fine. (お水で結構です)

I would like a shochu.(焼酎をお願いします)


Of course. / Sure.


How would you like your ●●?

*●●には飲み物名が入ります。例えば、” How would you like your umeshu?” (梅酒の飲み方はいかがされますか?)等。


On the rocks please.(ロックでお願いします)

With water please.(水割りでお願いします)

Straight please.(ストレートでお願いします)

With hot water please. (お湯割りでお願いします)

What are my choices? (選択肢は何がありますか?)

→On the rocks, with water, straight, or with hot water.(ロック、水割り、ストレート、お湯割りです)


Which ●● would you like?

*●●には選ぶものが入ります。ドレッシングであれば” Which dressing would you like?”、ソースであれば” Which sauce would you like?” です。


Italian dressing please.(イタリアンドレッシングをお願いします)

I will take Italian. (イタリアンドレッシングをお願いします)

What are my choices? (選択肢は何がありますか?)

→Italian, French, or Japanese dressing. (イタリアンかフレンチか和風ドレッシングです)


The pot dish is sold as 2 servings. How many servings would you like?


2 please.(2人前でお願いします)


How would you like your steak cooked?


Medium please.(ミディアムでお願いします)

Well done please.(ウェルダンでお願いします)


After the meal, would you like a coffee or a tea?


A hot coffee with milk please. (ホットコーヒーにミルクをつけてください)

I will have an iced tea with no sugar or milk please. (ストレートのアイスティーをお願いします)

Can I have an iced coffee without ice? (氷なしのアイスコーヒーをいただけますか?)


So that will be an assortment of sashimi and sukiyaki for 2.


May I get anything else?


No, that’s it. (はい、以上で。)



カジュアル店用接客英会話 ~お席へご案内~



Mr. Tom, thank you for waiting. Your table is ready.

*通常ファーストネームにMrやMrsはつけませんが、お客様のラストネームが分からない時は、Mr. Tom のようにお呼びしても問題ありません。


This way please.


Here is your table.


Here is our menu.

*お食事メニューは” Here is our food menu” ドリンクメニューは” Here is our drink menu” ワインリストは” Here is our wine list”


Is there anything you can’t eat?


Yes, I have a nut allergy. / I’m allergic to nuts.(ナッツアレルギーです)

I can’t eat nuts. (ナッツが食べられません)




カジュアル店用接客英会話 ~お出迎え~



Hi, how are you?



I’m great. Thank you. (とても良いですよ。ありがとう)


Will you be dining alone?



No, there is one more coming. (いいえ、あともう1名来ます)

No, we are a party of 3. (いいえ、3名です)


For a party of ●?

*●には2以上の数字が入ります。「2名ですか?」と聞きたければ ”For a party of 2?” となり、「4名ですか?」と聞きたければ ”For a party of 4?” となります。



No, there is one more coming. (いいえ、あともう1名来ます)

No, we are a party of 3. (いいえ、3名です)


How many?





Have you got a reservation?


Yes, it’s under Tom.(はい、Tomで予約しています)

Yes, I have a reservation in the name of Tom. (はい、Tomで予約しています)



Would you like smoking or non?


Smoking please.(喫煙席をお願いします)

Non-smoking please.(禁煙席をお願いします)


We have a 2 hour limit for serving. Is that OK?


Sure. / No problem. / OK. (はい、わかりました)


Sorry, it will be a few more minutes.  We are now getting your table ready.


Sure. / No problem. / OK. (はい、わかりました)

For how long? (どれくらい待ちますか?)

→For about 10 to 15 minutes. (約10~15分です)

→There are 3 groups waiting in front of you. (お客様の前に3組いらっしゃいます)


Sorry, there are no available tables at the moment. Would you mind waiting about ten minutes?


Sure. / No problem. / OK. (はい、わかりました)

We will pass this time. (今回は遠慮します)


Please write down your name here, and wait until we call your name.


Sure. / No problem. / OK. (はい、わかりました)