高級店用接客英会話 ~お料理の提供~

Thank you for waiting. Here is a salad with Italian dressing and a medium rare steak.
Please eat with ●●.
*●●に入るのがお醤油なら “Please eat with soy sauce.”、お塩なら”Please eat with salt.”となります。
Would you like more ●●?
*おかわりなので、現在飲まれているお飲み物が●●には入ります。お水なら” Would you like more water?” ビールのおかわりなら” Would you like more beer?”。
Yes, please. (はい、お願いします)
Can I have a glass of white wine? (白ワインをグラスでいただけますか?)
I’m good. Thank you. (ありがとうございます。でも結構です。)
Would you like another drink?
Yes, can I have a red wine, please? (赤ワインをお願いします)
I will have the same one, please. (同じものをお願いします)
No, I’m OK. (いいえ、まだいいです)
Could I see a drink menu? (ドリンクメニューをいただけますか?)
Please enjoy your meal.
Excuse me. May I clear your plates?
Yes, please. (はい、お願いします)
I’m still working on it. (まだ食べています)
Would you like to see a dessert menu?
Yes, please. / Of course. / Sure. (お願いします)
No, I’m fine. Thank you. (いいえ、結構です)
I’m stuffed. (お腹いっぱいです)
I would love to, but there is no more room. (そうしたいのはやまやまですが、お腹がいっぱいです)
It’s last order for the food menu. Would you like to order anything else?
We are OK. (結構です)
We are fine. (結構です)
Could we get more bread? (パンのおかわりいただけますか?)